What is a tourism promotion grant?
The tourism promotion grant program is a competitive grant program that promotes the development and growth of tourism in Johnson County by fostering and funding the development and marketing of festivals, projects, special events, sporting events and programs.
Who is eligible to apply for a tourism promotion grant?
The Festival Country Indiana (Johnson County Convention, Visitor and Tourism Board) grant program is designed to encourage organizations to bring new festivals, events, projects and attractions to Johnson County, or to substantially improve existing ones (by, for example, turning a one-day event into a two-day event, or by adding entertainment acts to a festival that never had such entertainment).
The grants are intended to spur new tourism rather than maintain what has always been present. The grants are not intended to pay salaries, pay for maintenance or supplement an organization’s general operating expenses.
Preference will be given to proposals that:
• Draw visitors from outside Johnson County, and can prove it with tracking or metrics.
• Encourage, promote or result in overnight stays.
• Forward our “Festival Country Indiana” brand.
• Allow our investment to live on and be self-sustaining.
• Use funds to create something new or significantly improve something existing.
What kinds of expenses does the grant cover?
The grant covers expenses incurred in order to bring visitors from outside of Johnson County. They include event advertising, printing and promotion, the development of promotional tools such as brochures, websites, billboards, and fees for entertainment acts that would draw people from outside of the county.
Is there anything that the grant does NOT cover?
Grant funds cannot be used for:
• Marketing efforts within Johnson County, unless the promotional campaign is directed to the residents to encourage visitation from their friends and relatives outside of Johnson County.
• Annual operating expenditures of the event, festival or sporting event.
• Salaries, wages or employee benefits .
• Prize money, scholarships, awards, plaques, t-shirts, certificates, buttons or newsletters .
• Events or attractions which are restricted to private or exclusive participation.
• Seasonal or holiday events celebrated by most communities or one-day athletic events that have a primarily local draw. The committee will consider evidence of unique characteristics and/or aspects that provide regional draw to these types of events if such aspects set it apart from the average event.
When are grant applications due?
All grant applications must be filled out completely and received by mail, hand delivery or email by Sept. 27 (for the fall grant cycle) to Kenneth Kosky, Director of Festival Country Indiana (Johnson County Convention, Visitor and Tourism Board), PO Box 249, Franklin, IN 46131 or
How will my organization know if it has been awarded any money?
The contact person listed on the grant application will be contacted as soon as possible through e-mail, letter or telephone regarding the outcome of the grant application.
What will my organization be required to do for the grant money?
The CVT has a logo it requires to be placed on all promotional/marketing materials created for the event/project receiving any of its funding. Also, you will be required to submit an income/expense sheet, copies of invoices with the corresponding checks or receipts marked with check numbers, and a post-event evaluation form.
How many applications may an organization submit?
The CVT grants only one award per event. However, if your organization puts on more than one event, each event would be eligible, provided the events are not related to one another.
When can my organization expect reimbursement for its expenses?
The required materials must be submitted within 60 days of the closing of the event/completion of the project or by December 15 of the year the event occurred, whichever date comes first. A check will be issued within 60 days of receipt of the qualifying materials. Materials not submitted within the 60-day timeframe are subject to the CVT reducing the reimbursement to the corresponding organization.